Technology Study #3807

Questions marked with a * are required
Contact Information
What is your age?
What is your gender?
Do you consider yourself to be: 
Which of the following best describes the area where you live? 
Do you have access to a computer or tablet that is capable of video conferencing (e.g. has a webcam, working microphone, and internet access)?
Do you, or does any member of your household or any close friends work for currently, or have worked in the past for a…
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background? Select all that apply.  
Which of the following best describes you politically 
Which of the following best describes your role in decisions about your wireless service? 
If you were switching wireless carriers, how, if at all, would you be involved in that process? Select all that apply. 
Which of the following best describes your current primary wireless service plan? 
Do you need to pay in advance to keep your service active?  For example, if you don’t pay you are immediately cut off from using your phone. 
And, which of the following best describes your current wireless cell phone service plan?
Which wireless service provider do you currently use for your smart phone 
How long have you been with your current wireless carrier?
hat is your marital status?  
What is your current employment status? Are you… 
And, what is the highest level of education you have completed?
What is your annual household income, before taxes?  Is it…
How did you hear about us?
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